štvrtok 22. mája 2014


>>>>>>>>>> HELP FIND THE RIGHT TRUCK <<<<<<<<<<


The firstway is extremely easy, and should be done at the start. It narrows the options down to two trucks. These are the six trucks themselves.
First of all look at the company names. There are four companies, and six trucks, so two of the companies will have a second truck. You can automatically ignore these trucks. You will be left with two trucks, be sure to note their colour and company name.
The companies names are Avalon, Omni Exports, Kranich and Hefty, and the four possible colours are green, yellow, red and blue.
On Death Wish there will be a ship blocking your view of the trucks, but as you have to physically go over to the trucks to tag them, this won't be too much of a extra problem.
You will now be left with two trucks, one of which is the correct truck to tag. The advantage of doing this early is if you get caught, you can ecm and tag one of the two trucks, for a 50% chance of tagging the correct truck.

> In short: No duplicate company names

The second way is, again, colour coded. After narrowing down to two trucks, you need to look at the containers. There are always three containers in different locations. If a container is open, check the contents of it, and if it is voting cards then the truck that is the same colour as the container itself is the correct truck. Every container containing junk items are the wrong trucks. Sometimes the containers are shut, meaning if the other containers don't narrow down the options enough, you will be forced to guess or go to the computer.

> In short: The colour of the container with the voting cards is the colour of the correct
   truck/The colour of every container with junk items in are the same as trucks that are
   not the correct truck.

The third way of narrowing down which truck it is is using the computer. The computer spawns in one of the two warehouses. It will be in one of the two rooms inside the warehouses, normally behind a security door (so if you don't have ecms that can open doors it is best to buy the keycard asset!). You can check where the computer is through the window before using your keycard, otherwise you will be forced to drill or break the window (breaking the window almost always alerts the guards).
Use the computer three times to see three different company names, along with a destination. Look at the company names, and any names that show up on the computer will not be the correct truck. You will now be left with one truck that is the correct truck to tag.

> In short: the three company names that show on the computer are the names of 
   trucks that are the wrong trucks.

--------------------------------------------------|TRUCKS - Info|--------------------------------------------------

 Company name            Colour of truck |FARBA| 

 # Hefty                                  Yellow                  |              
 # Kranich                             Blue                      |             
 # Avalon                               Red                      |              
 # Omni Exports                   Green                   |              
 # Avalon                               Blue                      |              
 # Kranich                              Yellow                  |              

This narrows down the options to Hefty and Omni Exports.

---------------------------------------------|CONTAINERS - Info|---------------------------------------------

 # Colour                              Cargo           

 # Blue                                   Headphones 
 # Red                                   Bleach            
 # Yellow                               Closed            

Because the blue and red containers contained junk items, the correct truck is not blue or red. Because the yellow container is closed, you cannot determine whether the yellow truck is correct or not from this information.

--------------------------------------|COMPUTER SHOWED - Info|--------------------------------------

 # Kranich 
 # Hefty     
 # Avalon  

Because the computer showed these companies, the correct truck does not have any of these three company logos on the side.

This means that the correct truck is the green Omni Exports truck, due to not having a second truck, not being blue or red, and not being on the computer.

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